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A Writer's Collective

About Us

Threads of Purple is a unique writer collective that empowers individuals from all walks of life to share their stories within a supportive and inspiring community. Founded by Jennifer Crow, our mission is to provide every willing writer with the opportunity to contribute to a collective work, gaining confidence and resilience through the process. With a vision of annual collectives and diverse themes, we celebrate and amplify the voices of our members, fostering self-awareness and spiritual growth. 

Join us in weaving a tapestry of faith, resilience, and shared experiences, as we gather, inspire, and give glory to the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness.

Introducing • Volume One

Weaving Stories of Grace
Strength & Redemption 

"Threads of Purple" is an anthology that interweaves divine presence into the everyday lives of women. Through personal narratives, contributors reveal subtle yet profound moments of God's guidance. These stories highlight resilience and faith, offering readers a chance to reflect on divine intervention in their own lives.

© 2024 The Threads of Purple Foundation & Collectives

Empowering others to share their stories is the first step toward healing and transformation. We believe that every voice matters and every story deserves to be heard, even in the smallest of ways.

Founder of The Threads Of Purple Foundation

Jennifer Crow

She is a life testament to what you can become when you put your trust and faith in God, regardless of the curveballs thrown your way. She believes that everyone has a story to share and enjoys working with people who have survived past trauma and domestic violence. Jennifer enjoys mornings on the deck, writing, cooking, painting, and being creative. She is currently working on a children’s series that has been tucked in her heart for 12 years.


An entrepreneur with multiple businesses, Jennifer’s favorite is her mobile optical service, through which she caters to clients across the country. Living with her husband Michael and two of their six children on an acreage, they are building their dream together, one sunrise at a time.

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